
Icsee WiFi Smart Fisheye Bulb Camera


  • WiFi Bulb Camera
  • 2MP WiFi Camera
  • Model : B13-L-V2
  • Resolution 2MP
  • 360° viewing angle
  • Fisheye lens
  • 15 meter IR distance.
  • Day / night vision
  1. Video Quality: Assess the camera’s video quality, including resolution and clarity.
  2. Connectivity: Check how well the camera connects to Wi-Fi networks and how stable the connection is.
  3. Features: Evaluate any additional features such as motion detection, night vision, two-way audio, and mobile app functionality. Since it’s a bulb camera, consider if it offers adjustable lighting features.
  4. Ease of Use: Consider how easy the camera is to set up and use, especially if it is marketed as a plug-and-play or user-friendly device.
  5. Reliability: Look for information on the camera’s reliability and stability in continuous use.
  6. Privacy and Security: Ensure that the camera has adequate security features to protect your privacy, including password protection and encryption.

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